안상수체 2012 글꼴보기집 / ahnsangsoo 2012 specimen
ag 타이포그라피연구소 / ag Typography Lab
텍스트 박스를 눌러 타이핑 할 수 있습니다
안상수체는.자연스럽게.지은.이름이다. 보도니나.가라몬드와.같이. 영문.글꼴.중에는.글꼴을.만든.이의. 과거에.우리는.그렇게.하지.않았다.. 최정호*.선생님조차.당신.이름을.붙이지.않았다.. 다음에.디자인하실.글꼴에는. 선생님.이름을.붙이라고.말씀드리기도.했다.. 안상수체로.명명한.이유는.두.가지다.. 우선..당연히.그래야.한다고.생각했다.. 다른.생각을.하지.못했다.. 두.번째는.내.이름을.붙이는.게.가장.확실하게. 내.일과.디자인에.책임을.지는.방법이고. 내.이름을.걸었으니.소홀히.하기.어렵겠다는. 생각을.했기.때문이다.. 안상수체는.1985년에.처음.선보였으니. 거의.30년이.다.되었다.. 그.시간.속에서.탈네모틀과.세벌체**에.대한. 생경함은.다행히.많이.해소된.것.같다.. 안상수체는.세벌체의.의미와.형태를. 가장.명확하게.보여주는.글꼴이고,. 그.생경한.글꼴.모양.때문에.처음에는.논란이.많았다.. 이번에.읽기.좋게.새로.다듬고.글자가족을.확장하니. 안상수체가.이제야.온전히.완성된.듯한.기분이.든다.. 아울러.이제부터.시작이라는.생각과.함께…. 2012. 파주에서 ㅇㅅㅅ. *최정호(1916-1988): 한글 원도 활자체 설계자이자 연구자. 그의 원도는 오늘날 한글 본문용 디지털 폰트 명조체, 고딕체의 바탕이 되었다. **세벌체: 한글의 창제 특성과 원리에 따라 닿자 1벌, 홀자 1벌, 받침 1벌로 조합되는 글자체 유형
Typeface ahnsangsoo was naturally named. Many roman alphabets typefaces, such as bodoni and garamond, are named after the designer. Previous hangeul typefaces, However, had not followed such system. Even designer choi jeong-ho* had not named a typeface after his name. I suggested him to name his next typeface after himself. There were two reasons for naming this typeface after my name. First, it was natural to do so. I had not thought of any other option. Second, it was the most certain way to be responsible for my work and design. With my name on it, it would be impossible to be negligent about it. Ahnsangsoo was initially released in 1985. It has been almost 30 years since then. Fortunately, the unfamiliarity of de-squared type and three-set type* have much disappeared during this time. Ahnsangsoo was a typeface which clearly demonstrates the meaning and structure of three-set type. The unfamiliar type structure was highly controversial at first. Recently, ahnsangsoo was modified for enhanced legibility, and new weights were added to the font family. The typeface now looks soundly completed. And it seems to be the new start. 2012. Paju. ㅇㅅㅅ. *Choi jeong-ho(1916-1988): hangeul type designer and researcher. His original drawings became the substructure for hangeul digital text type fonts of today, i.e myungjo and gothic. **Type style composed of one consonant set, one vowel set, and one final consonant set. This structure complies with the original characteristics and principles of hangeul.